Project Hannah
“Hope for her “ is a radio program of 30 min. realized by women for women in a format magazine containing: devotional, interviews, women testimonies, encouragements and advices from Holy Bible knitted with music.
We hope for this program to be one of compassion and hope for every woman who listens. Hurt and abused women or without hope exists in our country too,
and they  need to know there is Someone who cares for them and perhaps they never heard how much value they have in God’s eyes, our Creator . 
PH Producer
Our program targets all age, women from 20 to 80 years old and we believe our messages will answer to the needs of those who live in cities as well as to those who live in villages. 
In the first part of the program we have invited guests - specialists in medicine,
nutrition, physiology, who offer  special advises from a Christian perspective. Another rubric it’s called “Hidden treasure” and we wish it to be a help for the soul and every woman who listens, will find resources for
moving forward and to be able to face every challenge of life with hope in Lord Jesus.
Also, through our guest’s testimonies who experienced God’s help in a certain circumstance of their life, we’ll       
The founder members of PH team
provide hope for women who are going through the similar experiences.
Comanda programe TWR Romania
un radio care schimba viata
Din 1961
peste 50 de ani de emisie in limba romana prin Trans World Radio
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TWR Romania continua proiectul "Aventuri in lumea Bibliei"
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Radio Vocea Evangheliei emisiunea Itinerar Biblic poate fi ascultata incepand cu data de 06.02. 2012.    Vezi lista statiilor crestine care emit IB si orele de emisie

RADIO GALAXY FM,de la data de 1 Mai 2012 Vezi lista statiilor Galaxy FM si orele de emisie
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Asculta programele TWR Romania
Formular de comanda
Viata lui Isus, o noua "Aventura"
Multumim Domnului pentru raspandirea Cuvantului Sau!
TWR Romania organizeaza in luna Februarie 2013 o campanie de strangere de fonduri pentru al treilea modul al serialului "Aventuri in lumea Bibliei.
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